To promote safe, healthy families, within their traditions, language, family & community.
KTC Vision Statement
Loon Lake - Peerless/Trout Lake - Lubicon

2014 KTC Cultural Camp

KTC Child & Family Services held the annual Traditional Cultural Camp on August 11 – 15, 2014. This year’s camp was for children aged 6 – 12 and it was held in the Loon River First Nation area. This is the second year that KTC has held the camp for the younger aged children. Previously, the age range was 13 – 17 year old youth and was that age group for several years.
Children from Whitefish, Loon River, Woodland, Peerless/Trout and Lubicon attended and stayed overnight with chaperones.
The University of Alberta DiscoverE program conducted a day session with the children exploring engineering, science and technology in an interactive, hands-on approach to learning.
For the rest of the week, the youth participated in
traditional cultural activities such as:
dry meat making
tipi building
moose hide making
arts and crafts
creating drums
Elders storytelling
Wagon riding
The kids enjoyed nightly entertainment with kid’s activities, boating, swimming and a talent show.
The Traditional Culture Camp is an eagerly anticipated event throughout our five communities and will be held again in July/August 2015 in the Lubicon Lake Band area. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Beatrice Tourangeau at KTC Child & Family Services or email Beatrice.tourangeau@ktccfs.ca.