To promote safe, healthy families, within their traditions, language, family & community.
KTC Vision Statement
Loon Lake - Peerless/Trout Lake - Lubicon

​​Job opportunities
KTC Child & Family Services currently has multiple job openings at our Red Earth Creek main office as well as other sub-offices.
For all future job opportunities, all applicants should include an Intervention Record Check, Criminal Record Check and a copy of their Diploma or Degree with their applications. Your application will not be considered unless you include these items with your resume.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, all Children's Services offices were closed to the public but have since opened. To obtain an Intervention Record Check (IRC), you can go in person to your closest Children's Services office or you can have the form emailed to you by phoning our office (or the nearest Children's Services office). The IRC form will be emailed to you to be filled out digitally and sent back to us (or a central IRC email) for processing. You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your device to fill out the form and you will also need to attach two pieces of ID, one needs to be a picture ID. We will return the completed form to you when finished. If you fill a form out in person at the KTC CFS office, it will only be held for one year then shredded if not picked up.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, RCMP stations may also be closed to the public and Criminal Record Checks may be obtained by phoning the RCMP station that serves your community and finding out their current process. Some stations operate by filling out the form for you over the phone and then making an appointment for you to go in and sign the form when it is complete. Others are only emailing the form to individuals for printing, filling out and then emailing back. Please note it may take up to two or three weeks to process.
If you would like to submit your resume for any future openings, you may email your documents and cover letter stating which position you are interested in to careers@ktccfs.ca or fax to 780-767-2120.​​​