To promote safe, healthy families, within their traditions, language, family & community.
KTC Vision Statement
Loon Lake - Peerless/Trout Lake - Lubicon
Potential foster parents are required to complete a number of steps before accepting foster children.
Foster Care Application form to be filled out and returned to KTC Child and Family Services.
Caregivers Orientation consists of eighteen hours of specialized training focused on issues relevant to foster parenting. Caregiver’s orientation is mandatory and a prerequisite for becoming licensed as a foster home.
Valid First Aid is required.
The formal application process includes completing an application form, security clearances involving Criminal and Intervention record checks, medical form, non-smoking, firearms acknowledgment and storage agreement and obtaining letters of reference from third parties.
The home study process consists of a series of interviews with the applicant by the DFNA representative. Discussions include the potential foster parent’s history, parenting style, communication and supports.
A License Renewal/Application and agreement to foster must be filled out.
A copy of a valid ID or drivers license as well as valid vehicle registration and home owners insurance is required.
The selection process is concluded after the home study is completed, and the foster care worker’s recommendations are reviewed. If all requirements are met then the home will be licensed.
The matching and placement process involves assessing the needs of the child and making every attempt to match those needs with the skill level and experience of the foster parents.