To promote safe, healthy families, within their traditions, language, family & community.
KTC Vision Statement
Loon Lake - Peerless/Trout Lake - Lubicon

2017 KTC Traditional Cultural Camp
KTC Child & Family Services will be holding the annual Traditional Cultural Camp on July 10 - 14, 2017. This year’s camp is for children aged 7 – 12 and will held at Haig Lakes in the Cadotte Lake area. Children experience traditional activities such as tanning moose hide, making dry meat, fishing and snare setting.
Children from the KTC area, which includes our five First Nations, are eligible to register. The first twenty children with completed and submitted registration forms are accepted. Forms are available at the KTC main office in Atikameg, online or from each First Nation's contacts as listed below:
Darren Auger - Atikameg - 780-767-3914
Johnny Cardinal - Woodland - 780-629-3803
Andrew Noskey - Loon - 780-649-3490
Linda Noskiye - Peerless - Trout - 780-869-3985
Irene Laboucan - Lubicon - 780-629-2356
Forms may be emailed to Irvin.nahachick@ktccfs.ca, faxed to 780-767-2120 or dropped off at the KTC CFS office.